social competence

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The team leader has the talent and the willingness to work closely together with his team and to summon up time for the team´s development. He/she regards leadership as a common task, in which every team member has the chance to take up leading roles, within the frames of his/her special knowledge and talent.

In the team, an atmosphere in which the team members feel comfortable prevails. People communicate openly and directly with each other. Mutual trust increases the willingness to take up risks.

critical faculty:
The team does without personal attacks and blaming single people. Criticism is used openly and directly to give each team member the chance to learn from it.

relation to other groups:
The team has open and systematic relations to other groups. The personal contacts outwards resulting from this optimize the co-operation between teams.


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Copyright © 2004 Herbert Galsterer - Training und Beratung
update: 19. Dezember 2004