training offer

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Training title:
Customer Orientation in Technology Services

Target group:
Sales and Service Employees with customer contacts, with acquisition, advisory and negotiation tasks

In an exchange of views with their colleagues and trainer, the participants are going to reflect upon their self perception in sales and carrying out services. They are going to learn to use, besides their specialist knowledge, their personality and social competence, as well. In negotiations with internal and external customers, tools and ways of behavior are available which make the single participant more successful and deepen the customers´ attachment to our company.


Consequent customer orientation
Realizing requirements - also beyond technology
Technology servicemen between internal and external customers
Selective reasoning to the customer´s advantage
Discussion technique
Question technique
Dealing with reclamations
Listening actively
Negotiating selectively
Dealing with “difficult” customers

no lecture event in the sense of conveying knowledge, but “live” learning with strong and active involvement of the participants in practices, case examples, small group work and role plays with video analysis.

3 days

12 max

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Copyright © 2004 Herbert Galsterer - Training und Beratung
update: 19. Dezember 2004