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In the past 20 years I have talked to at least two dozen executives who in a personal conversation told me the following:
"If only I could, I would start living cooperative principles, rather today than tomorrow. I am, of course, fully aware of the value and the efficiency of this style of leadership. But it doesnīt work, I donīt fully trust the others, which would be necessary."

This is exactly the point:

If an executive has, deep in their heart, a value system - of course coined by many, many own experiences - , in which people in priciple are regarded as, virtually by nature, firstly lazy and secondly evil... then this executive doesnīt have a chance.
If a boss takes for granted that to make people actually move, you always have to kick their ass, and that you always have to watch out that they donīt cheat on you, then he might have an understanding for what he reads in the thousands of smart books and learns in the trainings, but he will never put it into practice.

And exactly that is the ever-returning challenge for us, the trainers.
I take up this challenge in every single one of my trainings.


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Copyright Đ 2004 Herbert Galsterer - Training und Beratung
update: 19. Dezember 2004